Nagyfény Bt.
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  • KTL üzem
  • KTL üzem
  • KTL üzem
  • KTL üzem
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The company

About Us :

Our company funded in 2005, in that time as a single person company. Besides of car refurbishing we are painting industrial equipment and scaffolds. We are providing resilient and fast service for our customers from breakage notice, through assessments of damages, transportation and ordering parts to car refurbishing. Usually we are giving 2 years warranty for our works.

Lately we are receiving more and more requests regarding car restoration, which is a true challenge for us.

We have started to work on adhezor painting of pneumatic parts in 2007. The financial crisis of 2008 tried us too, it was the most sensible in 2010 and came with the significant decrease of orders because of the requirements regarding technological development. Get wise to this fact, in 2011 we have decided to implement a new technology, which is no other than CDP coating.

Accomplishment of project:

In 2011 we won the GOP-2011-2.1:1/A application regarding a pre-treatment equipment in New Széchenyi Plan Economic Development Operative Programme (ÚJ Széchenyi Terv Gazdaságfejlesztési Operatív Program). We installed the pre-treatment equipment to our site in Eger, Kistályai út 4. with the help of KNIPL Kft. After we won the GOP-2011-2.1.1/A from 2012 the configuration of CDP line continued.

We would like to show our gratitude for winning both applications to TRENDBUSINESS KFT. We met with incredibly precise and experienced people, who awe us no only with their professional knowledge. They were gripping our hands, standing next to us and they did not left us in the hardest times either. We thank them for dealing with finance with the bank, negotiations with producer, basicly everything. They were not simply doing their job, they were supporting us. Their patience, toughness, purposefulness, empathy and their confidence was both touching and enviable. THANK YOU!


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