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Electro coating

CDP technology:

What does Cataphoretic Dip Painting technology mean and what is it good for?


CDP dip painting is a technology which using electrochemical processes to separate paint. The essence of the physical principle serves as the basis of the technology is that differently charged materials magnetize each other, and this way a strong adhesion is achivable. Cataphoretic Dip Painting enables a very even layer thickness and great surface features on metal  surfaces and in cavities. The coating has a strong corrosion control. It is a surface protection applied mainly in motor-vehicle industry, it is used mainly used for plate and moulding parts : steel, galvanized steel, iron castings, aluminium castings, magnesium castings. The painting has a black silky coat. The poker-work is done at 155-200 0C. The layer thickness is 10-40 micron.

Usaful tub dimensions:

- length: 2100 mm

- width:  500 mm

- height:  900 mm


To have the proper cohesive hold and great aesthetical appearance it is essential to done the pre-treatment - degreasing - procedures. The multiple degreasing and rinsing procedures are done with Chemetall special chemicals, and the relevant parameters are measured and documented in our own laboratory.

Environmentally sound :

The CDP painting is an environment friendly coating technology, mostly using water as dissolvent. It is perfect for coating with automated technology and it fits with strict regulations of motor-vehicle industry. In accordance with environment protection regulations a waste water dispenser equipment look after the nutralization and handling of chemicals related to the technology.

Layer combinations:

The CDP coating surfaces are the best foundations for combinations made of powder coating or conventional coating. As a dual coating the CDP paint is usable on galvanized zinc layer, and later the CDP painting can be recoated with powder-, water based-, dissolvent based or two component coatings.